Youth Is Wasted On The Young

Looking around me at many of the people I used to know, I have become even more painfully aware than I normally am of how old we are all getting (in numbers). "I thought growing old would take longer." ~Unknown Just a small notation, I have been going through some health issues, that I haven't exactly blasted online or on social media, my close friends and family know the details, but it has been challenging for my schedule trying to work, so I am doing a bit of a balancing act, and just keeping positive. I'm doing okay, though, if anyone reading is wondering... Maybe i'll write more about the actual situation a bit later. I am just wanting to write more regularly, anything to get myself back into the creative flow. It's hard at times. Anyway, as I began writing this, maybe a couple months back, I was just browsing around on Facebook, and searching out of boredom, like I do from time-to-time, and suddenly there it was "suggested friends"; hi...